About Ben

I grew up in Livermore, California.  I have two bothers and one sister.  I played football and baseball in high school and loved the competitive sports realm very much. I did not start my high school life as a confident, charismatic, outspoken person who appeared to be a leader to others.  In actuality, I felt just the opposite.  I was very shy, not really a people person (had a few close friends), avoided confrontation of any kind, did not take many chances, and went to great lengths to avoid failure and protect my fragile shell.

About Ben

Upon entering college I quickly realized that I had little to no leadership skills – I really didn’t even know what leadership was and certainly did not see myself as a leader.  This was my starting point, my quest at becoming the leader I knew I was capable of becoming.   You see, internally I knew that I wanted to become more and that I was capable of a lot more in my life.  I had a burning internal desire to break away from the old me and become someone new!  That was over twenty-five years ago and today things have changed in dramatic, incredible ways.

I now teach leadership to inspiring young leaders at Mission San Jose High School, in Fremont, California.  I have also had the opportunity to speak at numerous business seminars and college events. I have a passion for leadership and believe that everyone, with the right training, persistence, and commitment, can be an influential leader.  Today my passion lies in helping others to live life to their highest potential!

I cannot go without introducing you to my loving family.  I am married to Tara, a wonderful woman who helps me with so much in life.  We have two precious children:  Austyn who is currently 16 years old, and Jadyn who is 14 years old.  They are both so full of life and fill my life with so much joy and happiness!

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