Letter From The Author


Hello, my name is Ben Breazeale. Thank you for inquiring about my book, “Ignite the leader within and Watch Your Leadership Abilities Explode.”

This book is for you, as an educator, developing young, aspiring leaders who realize they lack the much needed leadership skills to be a successful leader, but so desperately want to be a positive, influential leader!!!

I have been teaching leadership and working with student leaders at the high school and college level for 30 years!  I am passionate and driven to help young leaders who are full of energy and ready to lead, but don’t know where to start.  I once had a young, shy high school student come to me and ask, as his voice trembled, “I really want to be a leader, but I don’t know how.  Do you think I can be a leader?”  Long story short, This experience prompted me to write “Ignite the Leader Within.”    

I discovered in my early adult years that I lacked the much needed leadership skills to compete in our incredibly competitive work force.  To put it bluntly, I had no leadership skills to speak of! I also learned in my early adult years that whether or not you are in a leadership position, leadership is important, very important. 

That was me many years ago.  So, I went on a quest to learn the essential elements, the foundation to becoming an effective, positive, influential leader.

Well known author and speaker ken Blanchard said and I quote “the key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”  Becoming a positive, influential leader is not easy! There are proven steps that a young aspiring leader can take to start the process to becoming a positive, influential leader.  That’s what “ignite the Leader within” is all about. 

As a teacher who gets to work with students who are seeking leadership development; students who really want to become effective leaders, I hope you will order this book and share the proven principles that will start the successful journey for your young student leaders.

Thank you


Ben Breazeale

Student Leadership

Mission San Jose High


Direct: 510-657-3600

Go Warriors!